I am honestly so blown away that you responded, and so quickly! For me and my power output, the impact is very minor (only a few dozen watts in the most extreme cases, at sprints of 800w). In the case of Zwift, I used it in regular riding mode (non-workout mode) and workout mode, whereas in the case of TrainerRoad I used it in a structured workout mode. Ray- How many complaints have you had on the reliability of the Kickr Core? Here’s the set details: As you can see, overall things are very close – at least for most of the steady-state sections. Here’s the first of those two sprints. If your issue is not listed, feel free to browse or search our support articles, or Submit a Request to our Support Team, being sure to include your Serial Number in the request. Instead of taking responsibility, they responded with some template spin about occasionally and rarely one will fail. Hopefully just a fluke, but just FYI for those like myself who were under the impression Wahoo finally got their QA together after 2 years. * When it arrived I found out that the android app failed on both android phones in our household. Le KICKR CORE de Wahoo est compatible avec la plupart des styles et types de vélo et s'adapte à ces derniers ; néanmoins, des exceptions peuvent concerner les vélos à une seule vitesse, les vélos de piste, les vélos couchés et certains vélos équipés d'un axe traversant. Although, realistically, you don’t care about that. So my Kickr Core gets replaced. Except, a funny thing happened – Wahoo probably just gutted sales of its higher end KICKR 2018 trainer. I measured the length of the chain before mounting it… it is not brand new, but still fine. Most of the time. ;). Le Wahoo KICKR Core permet de simuler une pente équivalente à 20% et oppose une résistance maximale de 1800 watts. I also hear a whirring sound as if a bearing is bad, not loud but it is there when the flywheel is turning, no matter if i’m pedaling or coasting. I get back in touch with the technical service and this time they take a week to answer me and they ask me about my electrical installation. The Kickr will measure the power on a complete different point of the bike and not instant on the crank like our power meter. I asked them several times for a possible solution (no answer): a power strip with surge protection ?, an anti-static mat? 2018 Core S/N 40184200611 Lasted 10 months never felt that smooth just grinded it out raised a support case with Wahoo December and confirmed faulty bearings a replacement was given late January 2 months wait no warranty extended. share. I know you are busy, but if you find the time, i would love a simple response of “Lean Kickr,” “Lean Core,” etc. You'll support the site, and get ad-free DCR! Wahoo won’t reply to any more questions about temperature, which is disappointing. From an overall ease of use and durability standpoint, it’s just like any other Wahoo product: It just works, and works well. Others that have ridden both say the same – you just can’t tell. I recently picked up a Wahoo refurbished Kickr Core. Inversely, if something takes 8-10 seconds, that’s a third of the interval itself. I removed my cassette to use it on the Kickr Core, but I’m having some issues. I do not have a power meter on my outdoor bikes though. Quick question. So how much will a rookie miss going the snap road. First ride was perfect. Again, this is really no surprise here. Of course, some people may even like this ‘feature’ – it’s free wattage. No need to argue for me. Once you manage to get the inside of the box detached from the outer shell, you’ll find the trainer sitting there. Said differently: Peak numbers don’t matter. Trainer connected via Ant+ to headunit, so not taking any bluetooth connections. Those will set you back about $10-$25 for the tools. – I group ride on gravel with some expert/pro level guys that I can hang with and take my share of pulls. CleverTraining is making you look bad. There’s an incompatibility with newer Canyon Ultimate frames. In the case of simulation (aka slope) mode, the KICKR CORE can simulate from 0% to 16% incline – which is pretty darn high. – Power meters aren’t real big in my circle of riders (cx, mtn, and gravel) but from analyzing some zwift data from guys with power meters (like at Chequamegon) it looks like I’m pulling a lot more outdoor watts than indoor. There are *many* variations of cassette removal tools, this is the best bang for your buck. Will try today with the Wahoo Fitness app to see if it makes a difference. I am going to buy a Kickr Core and need to buy a cassette as well. by Daniel 3. You’ll also find a small tool for attaching the legs and some bolts. Les modèles et prix affichées ci-dessous sont issus des site pertenaires de nakan.ch (amazon.fr, i-run.fr ou Wahoo Fitness). Just bought a Kickr Core and have a few questions: Biggest issue is: I bought an Ultegra 11 speed (11-28) cassette with it. :(. I’d recommend plugging it into a surge protector though if you live in an area that has power issues. » Wahoo KICKR 2018 Trainer In-Depth Review, » Wahoo’s KICKR Bike with Built-In CLIMB: Everything you ever wanted to know, consolidated trainer stock & alerting tool, Clever Training - Save with the VIP program, Indoor Cycle Trainer Desk (RAD/Lifeline/Vinsetto/Conquer/etc...), The New Polar Vantage Series: Everything you ever wanted to know, click here to Subscribe without commenting. Prices aren’t too bad here in Norway at the moment, about €480 for the Climb and €765 for the Core, but those will probably dop if new models are announced at the Eurobike, I guess. When it arrived yesterday, I noticed a slight play in the front leg when extended. Bluetooth Smart FTMS: This follows the industry standard Bluetooth Smart FTMS control, which is basically the Bluetooth variant of ANT+ FE-C for controlling trainers. But the previous two units never even worked, and according to the Wahoo technicians it must be due to my electrical installation. Hi, I have juste disovered jour blog, it’s an amazing work you do, I love your way of testing products. Tonight I was riding on my own on the Core so the other trainers were off. Probably overbuilt really for the price point – but I suppose that’s Wahoo’s problem to own. I don’t know what will happen when my current unit breaks as I will be very out of warranty but it would have been nice if each new unit came with 1 year warranty. I used the adapter for 142×12 (and I checked multiple times that I used it in the right direction). Wer das Geld für einen Rollentrainer der Oberklasse investieren kann und möchte, kann bedenkenlos zugreifen. Unfortunately, nothing from them other that marketing emails in the AM. Dies ist notwendig, um später auch die richtigen Wattwerte zu haben. I could (in principle – I don’t have any interest in doing this) run Zwift on the Apple TV, and record the metrics on the Edge; this would work just fine. Several days later customer support told me that the unit needed to be replaced. Roughly. To their credit, the support team quickly sent a replacement, although no one would discuss with me the failure mode of the trainer. I have no problem on the stability, even though you feel that it is easier to lean more to one side that the other due to the weight of the free-wheel. This is a comparison question. Next, let’s go into regular Zwift mode for a non-ERG workout. Bien que légèrement en-deça des performances proposées par le KICKR 2018 (20% pour 2200 watts de résistance) mais dans un usage quotidien, ces limites ne font pas de différence. I’ve been capturing all that data and have it here for you to dig into. Instead, what matters is actually a harder metric to make clear – which is the ability to simulate high grades and lower speeds (especially if you’re a heavier cyclist). Grund genug, sich dem Aufbau einer eigenen „Pain Cave“ zu widmen. Eventually you’ll give up on the manual and simply look at the front of the box and try and match the two together. :). going to subscribe, hopefully you will have some better info!! I don’t want to use my Stages for indoor as it means swapping between bikes etc, I was hoping the KICKR would be within 2-3% which I could live with. Ultimately, it seems like CT is doing the best they can here given the situation. I guess it’s considered a smart trainer but did not have the Zwift controllable capability. . Also, secondary fun tidbit about those last two graphs: You can see the normal differences when it comes to recording the same source on two devices. If I had to worry on TACX vs Wahoo , it will be on the “partnership” TACX/GARMIN….I am waiting for some novelties on this. Since we have an open ticket with our development team, all customer service tickets related to the issue (including this one) will be marked as “On-Hold” and merged with the developer ticket to be monitored internally. As usual, I put the trainer up against a number of power meters to see how well it handled everything from resistance control accuracy, to speed of change, to any other weird quirks along the way. I am on the fence between the core and the snap… I know the core is better since it’s a direct drive and can simulate greater climbs. Companies that make supposedly great products but have a crappy sales and support department are not doing themselves, or the consumers, a great service. Yes i’ve calibrate both, it just seems like this thing is quite frankly, a paperweight and a waste of money. I’m on my 3rd Core. De trainer werkt met ANT+ en Bluetooth en dus samen met alle bestaande trainingssoftware. As you probably noticed by looking below, I also take time to answer all the questions posted in the comments – and there’s quite a bit of detail in there as well. Weiterführende Informationen zum Thema Wahoo Fitness Kickr Core können Sie direkt beim Hersteller unter wahoofitness.com finden. The only ‘downside’ i’ve found in ‘free’ riding in Zwift, if a sense of slippage on steep gradiants / low gear and high power (>300w) A sudden surge or rear shift were I release a little to make the shift results in a very short, but odd feeling of slip. No problem! I’ve added the Wahoo KICKR CORE 2018 into the product comparison database. What a horrible experience I’m having. Another example of scrimping on the wrong components. Lire le test complet sur nakan.ch. Here is my experience with Wahoo and the Kickr Core: Ensure that the number of speeds matches your bike (e.g. Either way, doesn’t matter here. I was also told today that, since last winter, Wahoo has more or less simulated lightning strikes on the Kickr Core and it was confirmed the replacement unit I was shipped did in fact have a grounded board. No response on April 13th, on the 20th I am told it is not until May that I will probably receive the product and as you can see, I emailed them (after calling) on Tuesday (12th) and Thursday (14th). Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by! I am currently on my third Wahoo Core Replacement and I can honestly say they don’t last very long before they break and would recommend going a different brand. Anders als ähnlich günstige Konkurrenzgeräte legt er bei der Leistung (max. Il est, avec le Kickr Core, un smart trainer à roue d’entraînement, comprenez que vous placez directement votre vélo sur l’élément. Do any of those have a PM? FAZIT: Mit dem Wahoo Kickr der fünften Generation hat Wahoo einen absolut überzeugenden Rollentrainer herausgebracht, der neben seiner sehr guten Konnektivität vor allem mit seiner extrem geringen Lautstärke und dem exzellenten Fahrgefühl punktet. Especially as I am more of a triathlete than a roadie. Once again, only for about 1 second before getting back a bit closer. At least, that’s the proposition I’d make if I was trying to justify the purchase of both devices. No matter where you increase cadence from, it will add a resistance spike at the wrong time and then drop resistance too much so that you can’t even hit any target zones (unless they’re about 50 watts wide and you never plan on any greater precision than that). What should I do if I have a 10 speed campagnolo drivetrain? I was of course aware of the numerous negative reviews online (tons of customers having to return their Kickr or Kickr Core for various issues) but I figured that a certified refurbished was actually the safest bet to get a reliable unit as it was presumable checked, verified, and certified. The Core feels like someone has their foot on the wheel with the Chevrons. Anyone else have this issue, should I even care about this issue? I’ll circle back with CT and see what’s up here. Also, while they were a bit backlogged in earlier April due to COVID-19, my understanding from talking to them late last week was that responses are fully caught up now. Don’t buy a Kickr Core. Kaufen. It really nails it in line with the power meters. here’s my experience with Wahoo support, a bit different than yours. Wahoo doesn’t do this for any trainers. I’m not the only one to see this – Shane Miller also noticed the same thing, but in his case he’s able to output more power. Unlike similarly priced trainers from Tacx and Elite, there’s virtually no assembly required here. Die Sieger des Sommers – und sei es beim Ortsschild-Sprint – werden im Winter gemacht. When it comes to that feel, I find the road-like feel of the KICKR CORE and the KICKR 2018 indistinguishable. Here is my experience Australia Perth 75kg rider. For example, a sprint at 600w just manifests itself as anything. CompetitiveCyclist just got in stock of all the major KICKR models, and all are currently showing in stock for immediate shipment. Let’s see if there is luck and on the third it goes well. The Wahoo people have sent me a new Kicker unit. The KICKR CORE is the latest in Wahoo's line of smart indoor bike trainers. Yesterday the Core and the freehub body arrived and today I tried to put it together. Note, I’ve smoothed the above at 3-seconds, but the below has zero seconds of smoothing on it (showing original data). Testalarm: Wir benachrichtigen Sie kostenlos bei Testberichten zum Thema: Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. Wahoo Fitness KICKR Core Smart Trainer, Black. I wrote Wahoo and they automatically answered me to send a replacement. Now differences at peak sprint power are normal amongst any power meter or trainer test – you’ll usually see say 10-40w differences for 1-second recording. Any ideas on if tacx/Garmin are planning on releasing a new version this year? Neither the mobile nor the tablet nor the garmin edge 1030 detect it. In fact, even some CLIMB units too! iPhone 11 Pro (iOS 13.2.3), app version 5.25.1. But going from, say, a 12-25 to an 11-32 is likely to be problematic: the chain may not have enough links to be able to sit comfortably on the 32 sprocket, and the extra link going from a 12 to an 11 might be beyond the derailleur’s capability to take up slack. Les mesures sont plutôt similaires, même si le KICKR affiche une variation d’environ 3 à 5% et a un temps de réaction plus lent. But I would bet on the chain being old. Der KICKR CORE ist das beste Gesamtpaket in unserem Vergleichstest. Roadbike sieht ihn trotzdem eher als Trainer für Hobbyfahrer, weniger als Option für zähe Wettkämpfer. Wahoo refusing to replace the Kickr Core that was defective right out of the box. Ob Schnellspanner mit 130/135 mm Breite, normale Steckachsen mit 142 mm oder Boost-Steckachsen mit 148 mm – der KICKR nimmt alle auf, die passenden Adapter liegen dem KICKR bereits bei. Bike Fit App Bergfunktion Verstellbarkeit Fahrgefühl; CONS. I also replaced the chain and cassette on first bike to no benefit.
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