It is exceptional that any company or receiving institution will accept a distance learning degree by merely showing the paper diploma and other documents. Accreditation is one of the leading factors behind this global trend. Bircham International University está acreditada, es miembro o está reconocida por varias entidades internacionales y cumple los criterios de calidad establecidos por cada una de ellas en diversos países. BIU is not accredited by any agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation … Article by Bircham International University. Bircham International University distance learning higher education is accredited, recognized or member of the following international bodies and meets (or has met) the education quality standards of such organizations in different countries. The applicable law is the Decree on General Education No.84 of 13 May 2004 (Decreto Enseñanza General No.84 / 2004 de 13 de Mayo). In 2005, the Spain National Institute of Consumer Affairs (Instituto Nacional de Consumo – INC); under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, awarded BIU with the official consumer protection seal. The validation of non-formal education is a priority for the European Union.Since 2006, Bircham International University transcripts follow the directives of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Sep 23, 2015 - The Bircham International University references listed here provide a comprehensive review of BIU from several cultural and educational perspectives and as well as from different countries' legal framework. It is registered in Spain and Delaware, and formerly operated from the Bahamas. The process of accreditation is non-governmental and voluntary. The diploma and other graduation documents will always be issued in English. No worldwide accreditation standards are currently available for any distance learning higher education institutions such as Bircham International University.Higher education is usually regulated by national governments, which can enact policies governing educational institutions, and recognizing accrediting bodies, only within their own territory. It is also a member of the International Accreditation and Recognition Council, an unrecognized accreditation agency in the United States. This section reviews different types of references that attest Bircham International University education quality and legitimacy. It also differs depending on their own policy, and the country where they are based. Consequently BIU also provides a free web listing for the verification of any student or graduate's good standing status at BIU. Consequently, institutions and programs outside the United States that are accredited by recognized agencies are not included in the U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs. USA Accreditation becomes an important factor when it comes to evaluate and recognize the value of a distance learning degree program.Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing a comprehensive alphabetical list of 166 UK higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. De cette manière, l'étudiant obtient une référence sur le niveau de qualité de la… Independent higher education is authorized by the Ministry of Economy, and supervised by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework. Aug 4, 2015 - The Bircham International University references listed here provide a comprehensive review of BIU from several cultural and educational perspectives and as well as from different countries' legal framework. 23-sep-2015 - List of accreditation, education quality, memberships and institutional references for Bircham University distance learning higher education. 远程学习大学 - biu是一个非赢利的远程学习高等教育机构。biu提供学士、硕士和博士学位,也包括继续教育和专业文凭。 It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate UK higher education-related organization; offering at least four-year undergraduate … Since then, European countries are considering how to recognize the full range of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and competence, which requires new approaches to validate such learning experiences. There are other means and references to assess the quality of an educational institution.http://www.chea.orgAccording to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) whether a college, university, or program is accredited in the USA is important for students who want federal grants to attend a college, university, or program that is accredited. More info... Online Trust Seal - Sello de Confianza Online Spain Ministry of Consumer Affairs (INC) More info... A Distance Learning University provides more than just a DEGREE.It unquestionably proves your skills. These documents do not specify distance education. It is important to stress that accreditation is not equivalent to legality or recognition; it is a non-governmental and voluntary quality standardization process. Bircham International University | Private independent institution of higher education that offers degree programs at professional, undergraduate and … If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the agency. Bircham International University (BIU) is a higher education alternative for adults from all countries and cultures who choose not to attend a formal campus based university. More info... BIU meets the quality criteria set forth by the USDLA regarding our academic quality, institutional integrity, efficacy in our distance learning methodology, and continuos improvement among over 120 standards. More info... Bircham International University provides much more than a diploma. In the matter of the use of the Oxford name, Mr. Martin writes that “In 2000 BIU bought a UK ‘shelf company’ called Oxford International College that was immediately changed to Bircham International College with the purpose of opening a branch office in the UK. The accreditors are private, nongovernmental organizations created for the specific purpose of reviewing higher education institutions and programs for quality. Der Prozess der Akkreditierung ist freiwiilig und nicht staatlich. In 2011, BIU was audited and granted an Online Trust seal which demonstrates our high level of ethical commitment and responsibility towards consumers. Non formal and independent education, leading to degrees exempt from formal recognition by a Ministry of Education. Bircham International University office in Madrid Bircham International University is a private, unaccredited institution of distance-learning higher education. A unique Company Training formula may be applied to any Bircham University program in over 200 programs of study. Ver más ideas sobre rey de esparta, enseñanza superior, escuela politecnica. If you have any further questions, please let us know. However, no country has any authority to regulate a distance learning university which is legalized and issues valid diplomas from another country. According to the United States Department of Education, it is possible for postsecondary educational institutions and programs to elect not to seek accreditation but nevertheless provide a quality postsecondary education. The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) is the most important USA advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation. BIU is member of several institutions that play some advisory role at the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the validation of non-formal (distance) learning. Which and how many Universities are located in the United States? These documents are: Diploma, Diploma Supplement, Transcript, Evaluation Reports (Academic Evaluation Control Form), Research Evaluation Form (Thesis or Projects). Acceptance of higher education degrees is always entirely at the discretion of each receiving institution or employer. BIU bietet Bachelor-, Master- und Doktoratsstudiengänge sowie Weiterbildung .html" >Weiterbildungs- und Berufsabschlüsse an. Bircham International University distance learning higher education is accredited, recognized or member of the following international bodies and meets (or has met) the education quality standards of such organizations in different countries. It ranks highly as the 4th university in Australia and among the top 50 in the world. As free markets, open frontiers, and individualism spread around the world, many nations are adapting to a more liberal, competitive, and diverse distance learning higher education system. How can anyone make sure that those papers were not made up? Bircham International University Opinião & Referências. This section reviews different types of references that attest Bircham International University education quality and legitimacy. :), AAOU - Asian Association of Open Universities, ABED - Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância, AIESAD - Asociación Ibero-Americana de Educación Superior a Distancia, BAOL - The British Association for Open Learning, EFQUEL - European Foundation for Quality in eLearning, EFVET - European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, ESREA - European Society for Research on the Education of Adults, ICHE - International Council for Higher Education, USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association, AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners, AAHEA - American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation, AAMA - American Alternative Medical Association, EDUCAUSE - Higher Education Through Information Technology, EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission, IARC - International Accreditation & Recognition Council, IEHA - International Energetic Healing Association, IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization, WCRDE - World Council for Regular and Distance Education, Online Trust Seal - Sello de Confianza Online, EU Curaçao Ministry of Education (Netherlands), EU EQF - European Qualifications Framework. With its global network of experts, the IAO, International Accreditation Organization, granted accreditation to educational institutions, corporations, professionals and qualified … Yes, but Bircham International University degrees are exempt from recognition by the Spain Ministry of Education. It also relies on the know-how acquired through a good education, which is finally represented by the corresponding diploma. Desde a sua origem, a Bircham International University foi convivendo com opiniões diversas devido a que características únicas das nossas títulações a distância não são bem compreendidas por aqueles que não dedicam alguns minutos afim de … As a consequence, the USA educational institutions vary widely in the quality and specifics of their programs. Accreditation ensures academic quality through peer review.In the United States of America (USA), there are no Federal Ministry of Education or a centralized authority to exert unanimous national control over post-secondary educational institutions. Institutions and/or programs that request an agency's evaluation and that meet an agency's criteria are then "accredited" by that agency.The U.S. Department of Education does not accredit educational institutions and/or programs. The university has earned Premier status with ASIC for its commendable areas of operation. The University of New South Wales (UNSW) is a top university in Australia when it comes to STEM. Which and how many Universities are located in the United Kingdom? This organization is not a recognized accreditation body. The U.S. federal government does not recommend or endorse any individual credential evaluation service or group of services, and does not conduct evaluations. Consequently, all BIU distance learning degrees can be issued and legalized in these countries. Top 10 Ranking! Eine Fernunterrichtsuniversität wendet sich in der Regel an eine private, regionale oder berufliche Vereinigung und legt einen Antrag vor. In the USA, accreditation by CHEA is important for two main reasons: First, it provides standards to academic quality in a country whose Constitution establishes freedom of education. Bircham International University was admitted as member of AAHEA - American Association for Higher Education & Accreditation in October 2009. More info... Bircham International University is directly regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs of Spain, to ensure the quality of its educational programs and resulting degrees. Contact directly the ones you select. More info... AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners AAHEA - American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation AAMA - American Alternative Medical Association EDUCAUSE - Higher Education Through Information Technology EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission IARC - International Accreditation & Recognition Council IEHA - International Energetic Healing Association IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association WCRDE - World Council for Regular and Distance Education More info... BIU degree programs are not accredited by the US CHEA. Bircham International University offers several validation options from independent third party organizations as well as the standard international legalization procedures, but such options do have a costs and may take some time. In most countries around the world, the function of educational accreditation … More info... Is BIU an authorized distance learning degree provider? 21-jul-2015 - The IAO, International Accreditation Organization, was an international quality assurance agency, working to improve education quality standards of organizations all over the world. USA Accreditation is a complicated subject. More info... BIU holds an inter-governmental accreditation, and meets the international standards of the US “Generally Accepted Accrediting Practices” (GAAP), UK “Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications” (FHEQ), EU “European Qualifications Framework” (EQF,) “European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System” (ECTS), UN “Guidelines for Cross-Border Higher Education”, & UN “Recognition of Qualifications of Higher Education” (Articles 36-37). uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing a comprehensive alphabetical list of 1767 US higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. In order for you to become a smart consumer, you'll need to have a basic understanding of accreditation in the United States and how it works, the difference between accredited or unaccredited institutions, and the pitfalls of … Bircham states that it was accredited by the American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation in 2010. Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. The federal government requires that a college, university, or program be accredited in order to be eligible for federal grants and loans or other federal funds.Despite the widely recognized benefits and accountability of accreditation, some institutions choose, for various reasons, not to participate in an accreditation process. It is an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations. Bircham International University (BIU) setzt sich für die Bedürfnisse der erwachsenen berufstätigen Studenten ein, die sich für eine nicht-traditionelle Campus-Universität entscheiden. By classification as “non-formal” (not campus-based), BIU is exempt from any direct regulation by the Ministry of Education of Spain.Under the framework of European Union law, “non-formal” (distance learning) education is assured greater academic freedom, and thus exempt from direct regulation by any Ministry of Education. Jul 16, 2015 - The Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training (ASET) was established in Malaysia to provide professional services and assessment for membership, accreditation and recognition from international higher education organizations. So, it is no surprise that UNSW is one of the schools to get one of the best structural engineering degree programs. Bircham does not have (nor does it need to have) recognized accreditation. L'accréditation est un processus volontaire et non gouvernemental par lequel un centre d'éducation, comme par exemple une université à distance, fait appel à un organisme indépendant afin d'être évalué. Bircham International University est accréditée, elle est membre ou est reconnue par de nombreux organismes internationaux et répond aux critères de qualité établis par chacun d'eux dans un grand nombre de pays. We should not forget that a company hires problem solving skills and not just a degree.For most companies, completing a distance learning university program is as valid as attending classes at a formal university campus. The Graduation set documents do prove the extent and depth of your program of study at BIU. In some cases, partial transfer credits are accepted. A Bircham International University está acreditada, é membro ou está reconhecida pelas várias entidades internacionais e cumpre os critérios de qualidade estabelecidos por cada uma delas nos diversos países. For this reason, companies and organizations all over request different means to make sure about the validity of the degrees presented to them. Original copies of any of these documents may be issued from Europe or the USA.BIU distance learning degrees and transcript are signed by a Doctor from a formal traditional university, the President of BIU, and the Registrar official. Note that some positions at certain government agencies as employers, or some professional licensing bodies, may require degrees which are directly regulated by a national Ministry of Education. In 2018, the Ministry of Education in Curaçao granted a recognition to Bircham International University. This charter is one of the steps towards the global and indisputable recognition of the innovative and efficient distance learning higher education adapted to the needs of the working professional that defines Bircham International University. Higher education accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of post-secondary educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. Distance learning higher education organizations are excluded from accessing these federal grants. More info... Companies of today value those who demonstrate the will power, responsibility, motivation and capacity for self-improvement required by studying at a distance learning university.Don't you deserve this professional recognition? None of these organizations belong to the USA CHEA, the Council of Higher Education Accreditation. This seal is also part of Ecommerce Europe. Note that accreditation (including US CHEA) does not automatically provide, nor guarantee, acceptance of any distance learning degree with other educational institutions or hiring employers.No educational institution can guarantee the acceptance of their degrees. It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. Universidade à Distância - Referências. This endorsement, in the form of an official charter, has been published at the web of the Government of Curaçao (Curaçao is a protectorat from the Netherlands, similar to the situation of Puerto Rico with the USA). Based in the European country of Spain, Bircham International University is licensed by registration with the Ministry of Economy of Spain, authorized for “non-formal” (distance learning) higher education and the resulting diplomas (Section 932.2). More info... Bircham International University is simultaneously registered in the USA (Delaware) and the European Union (Spain). Top 10 Ranking! Bircham International University USA Accreditation References USA Accreditation is a complicated subject. Academic Acceptance & Recognition. BIU can not guarantee membership in all instances. None of these organizations belong to the USA CHEA, the Council of Higher Education Accreditation. Die Akkreditierungsstelle führt eine Gesamtbewertung der Universität durch und gew… Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. Yet, other unaccredited schools simply award degrees and diploma without merit for a price.Bircham International University offers contact with several credit and degrees evaluation services that may help obtain some equivalency of accreditation. The accrediting institution performs an overall assessment of the university and grants the accreditation, if deemed satisfactory. The best Distance Learning University alternative to campus-based higher education. "The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. More info... Bircham International University graduates may join many professional associations. Additionally BIU provides an Official Diploma Translation (with your picture) and a Transcript Attachment describing all the courses earned at BIU in several languages. Bircham International University provides a list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty where some BIU graduates may belong. One of the reasons that institutions seek accreditation in the USA is so that their students are eligible to receive federal student aid or other federal benefits. agencies, which are private educational associations, develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Note that each accrediting organization holds its own accreditation criteria. Accreditation enables credits to be transferable from one school to another and is used as a basis for entering various professions. The special character of BIU is reflected in its diversity of programs, its effective pedagogical distance learning degree programs and its international presence. These skills are highly appreciated at the workplace and explain why Human Resources executives esteem those employees earning distance degrees. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. In order for you to become a smart consumer, you'll need to have a basic understanding of accreditation in the United States and how it works, the difference between accredited or unaccredited institutions, and the pitfalls of enrolling in a "diploma mill.
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