The European Film Factory is an ambitious project that aims to support film literacy by giving teachers and their students (11 to 18 years old) the unique opportunity to participate actively in film education. This is a film education platform available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish, on all digital devices, for students (11-18 years) and teachers in Europe. ADOX. a platform accessible across Europe on all media (computer, tablet, smartphone) and in 8 languages (English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish) for teachers and students via a free and secure system. Le site propose peu de films pour le moment dont Billy Elliot, Les Quatre Cents Coups, La Strada ou bien In Terra Extrana… Giving teachers & students the tools & inspiration they need to help them succeed in European film education. But the company found it hard to make a profit. Institut français, all rights reserved 2021. European Film Factory está dirigido por el Institut Français, que cuenta con dos socios a la vanguardia de la innovación digital en las escuelas: ARTE Education, filial de la cadena de televisión cultural europea ARTE creadora del servicio educativo digital Educ’ARTE, y European Schoolnet, organización sin ánimo de lucro que agrupa a treinta y cuatro ministerios de educación europeos. Through the European Film Factory, pupils and teachers in all the Creative Europe programme Member States will have access during at least 3 years to a catalogue of 10 films on an interactive online platform accessible via desktop and mobile devices. From August 26th 2020, European Film Factory will give students aged 11 to 18 and teachers from all countries participating in the Creative Europe programme free access to a catalogue of ten films from Europe's film heritage online from 1954 to 2014. The European Film Factory allows students aged between 11 - 18 years and teachers in all Member States signed up to the Creative Europe programme to access a catalogue of ten European heritage films for free, via all devices (computers, tablets, smartphones), by way of a closed, secure system. European Film Factory is a European project supported by MEDIA, the Creative Europe sub-programme led by Institut Français in partnership with ARTE Education and European Schoolnet. Las guías didácticas propuestas desarrollan la Creatividad, el espíritu Crítico y la Cultura Universal con un trabajo Multidisciplinar. The Institut français programmes and projects, Lancement de la plateforme européenne d'éducation au cinéma, European Film Factory : european platform for film education. Within the project, the Institut français, in addition to coordination, is responsible for the selection and acquisition of films and communication. Βασικά εργαλεία της πλατφόρμας είναι η δημιουργία αποσπασμάτων και εννοιολογικών χαρτών που εμπλουτίζουν τη διδακτική πράξη και ανάγουν τον κινηματογράφο σε διαθεματικό και διεπιστημονικό εκπαιδευτικό εργαλείο. 495 likes. To miejsce, w którym uczniowie i nauczyciele nie są tylko biernymi widzami. The detailed pedagogical kits provide excellent support for the teacher and help to make the students’ experience of film education as beneficial and enriching as possible. Un riche éventail de propositions didactisées prêtes à l’emploi ainsi que l’opportunité de créer également des séquences personnalisées. The Institut français, the project leader, experienced in European Film Education, has surrounded itself with two partners at the forefront of digital innovation in schools: ARTE Education, a subsidiary of the European television channel behind the digital educational service Educ'Arte, and European Schoolnet, a non-profit organisation that brings together thirty-four ministries of education in Europe. Excelente recurso para incorporar el cine al aula, con actividades de profes para profes y herramientas que permiten al alumnado elaborar productos. In 1923 the production of B/W cine film began. Poți crea materiale proprii, dar ai acces și la resurse create de alți profesori, care te pot inspira în mod creativ în munca la clasă. Се отвора Европската филмска платформа – European Film Factory. To find out how the Institut français manages personal data, please refer to our privacy policy. European Film Factory propose de vous accompagner dans le visionnage d'un film que ce soit l'entièreté de celui-ci ou seulement un extrait. The consortium behind the European Film Factory project, led by the Institut français, has received a €1 million grant from the European Union. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link in the newsletter email or by logging into your account. L’Institut français in COLLABORAZIONE con ARTE Education and European Schoolnet hanno sviluppato la piattaforma European Film Factory* per la scoperta del cinema europeo. To explore and gain a better understanding of films that have marked the history of European cinema, Create clips and mind maps, annotate videos to share with the class. We collect your email address so we can send you our newsletter. EUROPEAN FILM FACTORY, CINEMA IS THE NEW SCHOOL ! At that time, a number of large German cinema films were copied onto positive films produced by the Glanzfilm AG and brought to the cinemas. The Institut français, ARTE Education and European Schoolnet are launching the development of the European Film Factory, a project co-financed to the tune of one million euros by the European Union's MEDIA/Creative Europe programme. 27 août 2020 Cinéma Tags : vàd; education à l’image; Les Quatre Cents coups de François Truffaut Les Films du Carrosse/DR/TCD. to raise awareness among the younger generations of cinema as an Art and as a vector of European history, values and issues, to enable teachers to engage with cinema as an educational subject and object, to renew cinema audiences and introduce the diversity of European cinema, to increase interest in film education in Europe. Read more: How Chernobyl’s radiation destroyed an entire factory’s production run of X-ray film. Film Factory will be virtually attending the European Film Market from March 1st to 5th, 2021. Стога постоји могућност и скидања ових филмова уз помоћ посебног European Film Factory Video Player-a, као и прилика да се филмови гледају и у домаћинствима која … The European Film Factory invites anyone with an interest in film education to join the online event "Welcome to the European Film Factory - Cinema Is The New School" on 13 October at … Giving teachers and students the tools and inspiration they need to help them succeed in European film education. Quelques films proposés. On 26 August, the European Film Factory platform, which was introduced to the international press yesterday, went live. European Film Factory es un proyecto europeo que cuenta con el apoyo del subprograma MEDIA de Europa Creativa, del que el Institut Français es líder, en asociación con ARTE Education y European Schoolnet. European Film Factory, une plateforme cinéma à portée éducative. I film, più di ogni altro medium, permettono di esplorare epoche e storie da un punto di vista privilegiato. Through their account, students have the opportunity to discover and engage with the films. It enables students from 11 to 18 years old and teachers from all member States of the Creative Europe programme to access free of charge an online catalogue of ten films in European film heritage selected by a European jury of professionals of film history and education. Le site propose peu de films pour le moment dont Billy Elliot, Les Quatre Cents Coups, La Strada ou bien In Terra Extrana… D’où ses fortes composantes culturelle, linguistique et socio-historique qui contribuent de façon considérable à la formation scolaire mais aussi citoyenne et personnelle de l’élève. European Schoolnet coordinates the creation of pedagogical kits designed by European teachers and will be in charge of lobbying for film education. A platform for film education. Muy recomendable. Αυτό που μου αρέσει στην πλατφόρμα είναι η ευκολία που έχω ως εκπιαδευτικός να βρω υλικό έτοιμο, να πάρω ιδέες για τη διδασκαλία της λογοτεχνίας ή της ιστορίας, και να δημιουργήσω με τους μαθητές ένα αλληλεπιδραστικό ψηφιακό περιβάλλον . W końcu znalazłam miejsce, dzięki któremu w nowoczesny sposób mogę uczyć o klasyce kina. Giving teachers & students the tools & inspiration they need to help them succeed in European film education. European Film Factory propose de vous accompagner dans le visionnage d'un film que ce soit l'entièreté de celui-ci ou seulement un extrait. La plateforme met à disposition de façon simple et claire de nombreuses exploitations des films et des documentaires qui ont marqué les sociétés européennes au XXe et XXIè siècles. La plataforma EFF incluye herramientas relacionadas con el Lenguaje de la Comunicación que motivan a nuestro alumnado en el aprendizaje y les facilitan descubrir habilidades. Un espace de rencontre et de compréhension de l’autre. European Film Factory est une réponse innovante et pragmatique au soutien à l’éducation au cinéma en Europe. Il progetto propone un catalogo di 10 film disponibile gratuitamente previa iscrizione, progettato appositamente per gli insegnanti e … European Film Factory is a European project, supported by the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe, lead by the Institut français in partnership with ARTE Education & European Schoolnet. 29 talking about this. Un véritable espace numérique interactif conçu par et pour les professeurs et leurs élèves dans le but d’enrichir les cours grâce au 7è art. The EFF platform is a fantastic resource that allows students to learn about film literacy in a way that is fun, modern and creative. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Una excelente selección de películas con reconocidos galardones. The platform is an intuitive and innovative tool through which teachers can enable students to develop their filmic knowledge, understanding and skills while exploring and sharing their creativity with their peers. All films are subtitled in the 8 languages. European Film Factory est piloté par l’Institut français qui s’est entouré de deux partenaires en pointe sur les sujets d’innovation numérique dans les écoles : ARTE Education, filiale d’ARTE, chaîne de télévision culturelle européenne à l’origine du service numérique éducatif Educ’ARTE, et European … The project also offers the possibility of organising school screenings in cinemas with project partners. a selection of European films that have marked the history of cinema and that are accessible, attractive and resonate with the younger generation. Aujourd'hui, je vous présente European Film Factory! European Film Factory is an innovative and pragmatic response to support film education in Europe. Comprehensive educational kits. L’Institut français EN COLLABORATION AVEC ARTE Education AND EurOpean Schoolnet ONT DÉVELOPPÉ la pLATEFORME European Film Factory pOUR LA DÉCOUVERTE DU CINÉMA EUROPÉEN La plateforme propose gratuitement un catalogue de 10 films disponibles en 8 langues sur inscription spécialement conçu pour les professeur(e)s et les élèves . alternatywnych zakończeń. 17.09.2020 06:49. European Film Group We make compelling documentaries that present multiple facets and interdependencies of individuals, society, economy and nature. Available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian & Spanish on all digital devices for students (11-18 years old) and teachers across Europe. Le programme se veut une réponse innovante et pragmatique au soutien à l’éducation au cinéma en Europe. La piattaforma è un'occasione unica per scoprire la cinematografia europea ed esplorare le grandi opportunità che il medium film può fornire alla didattica. European Film Factory is an innovative and pragmatic response to support film education in Europe. Fill out the form to set up a meeting. La piattaforma permette di scoprire la ricchezza culturale dell'Europa attraverso i suoi protagonisti. Aide aux cinémas du monde : results for the 2020 3rd Committee, Night of Ideas 2021: a selection of films to debate on the theme "Closer", CinEd : a lookback at 5 years of film education under the coordination of the Institut français. Η πλατφόρμα του European Film Factory περιλαμβάνει κλασικές ταινίες του παγκόσμιου κινηματογράφου για εκπαιδευτική χρήση. This summer, the European Commission and the members of the project consortium signed the grant agreement covering an eighteen month period from 1st June 2019 … L’Institut français, ARTE Éducation et European Schoolnet lancent le développement de « European Film Factory », projet cofinancé à hauteur d’un million d’euros par le programme MEDIA / Europe Créative de l’Union européenne. The European Film Factory programme offers an innovative and practical solution for supporting film education in Europe. What is the European Film Factory? 197 Followers, 142 Following, 58 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from European Film Factory (@eu_filmfactory) innovative, interactive and cross-curricular pedagogy thanks to comprehensive pedagogical guides that accompany the films and interactive tools accessible to both teachers and students to create excerpts and mind maps. Eu_FilmFactory. Un instrument excelent în lucrul cu elevii, platforma este complexă și în același timp ușor de folosit la discipline variate de studiu. ARTE Education develops the platform and participates in the creation of the interactive pedagogical tools on the model of Educ'ARTE's tools. On January 28th, 2021, Marilina Lonigro and Piero Di Silverio, teachers from the European Film Factory (EFF), will present the webinar “A Swedish Love Story”. À l’initiative du programme MEDIA Europe Creative, European Film Factory est un programme imaginé afin de promouvoir l’éducation au cinéma à travers l’Europe et piloté par l’Institut français. In 2019, the European Commission launched a call for proposals through the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe to promote film education across Europe. Une plateforme grâce à laquelle le professeur peut raviver les cours de langue, d’histoire, des arts, du cinéma et de technologie numérique en plaçant au centre des enseignements l’étude cinématographique des productions emblématiques des cultures qui forment l’Europe. 10 films emblématiques pour élèves de 11 - 18 ans en streaming et téléchargement, sous-titrés en 8 langues des outils (découpe, annotation, cartes mentales) un kit pédagogique complet ADOX (Fotoimpex) subsequently established a film factory in Bad Sarrow outside Berlin to convert and package films, papers and chemicals. The current rights to the historic ADOX name were obtained in 2003 by Fotoimpex of Berlin, Germany, a company founded in 1992 to import photographic films and papers from former east Europe. European Film Factory is an innovative and pragmatic response to supporting film education in Europe. Η καινοτομία της πλατφόρμας έγκειται στο γεγονός ότι εκπαιδευτικοί και μαθητές, εκτός από το να απολαύσουν τις ταινίες, μπορούν να αλληλεπιδράσουν μαζί τους. Available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian & Spanish on all digital devices for students, English Methods Lecturer, Maynooth University (Ireland), English and French teacher, Waterford (Ireland), Professeure de langue et de littérature hispanophone, Paris (France), Profesora de Ciencia y Tecnología, Barcelona (España), docente di progettazione multimediale, Udine (Italia), nauczyciel języka angielskiego, Pruszków (Polska), Profesor de limba șii literatura română, Iași (România), Αγγλικά, Ισπανικά, Ιστορία, ΤΠΕ - Σέρρες (Ελλάδα), European Film Factory, all rights reserved 2021. Το European Film Factory ξεκίνησε να λειτουργεί στις 26 Αυγούστου και πρόκειται να συνεχίσει έως και τον Σεπτέμβριο 2021, τουλάχιστον. Moim uczniom szczególnie podoba się możliwość interaktywność platformy i możliwość tworzenia np.
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